April 5th, 2024
Interbix Holdings LLC (herein "Interbix") is currently in the long process of closing down operations. We decided it was best to close down as we were struggling as newcomers into the overly saturated tech sector. Our mission when forming Interbix was to create brands tailored to specific needs of various consumers, but our mission proved to be more daunting. We have decided it is best that we hand over the baton over to more exprienced players in the tech sector to continue our mission.
We don't yet have a set timeline on when everything will be closed down, but below is our current plan on slowly ceasing operations. We expect to fully dissolve by the end of the 2024.
All services being provided for will start to end and all projects will stop gaining support beyond its end-of-life (EOL). If the EOL is expected to expire after being dissolved prior arrangements may be made with the service provider and waiving Interbix from bearing responsibilies. Products being sold will still be delivered. All relevant clients who holds services and/or purchased products has been or will be notified of this closure. These clients will be notified by their service provider.
The current operations of our various brands will be closed as a result of this move. However, the Chief Executives and teams at the respective brands may decide to transition ownership from us to either direct ownership or acquired by another party, if so desire. If this does happen and you are one of their clients you will receive a notice from your service provider in the coming weeks.
Creditors and vendors will still be paid and there are currently no financial barriers from fulfilling any and all of our credit obligations.
Employees will remain employed with full benefits and pay. Gradually, we will release employees with roles that are no longer neccessary for the continuation of the closing process. They will be compensated as required by law during this time.
If you need more information regarding the closure, please contact Thanh by email at thanh_hung [@] interbix [.] net.